A New Plaza, Garden, and Pedestrian-Friendly 40th Street
“Complete the Vision” is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build a new and welcoming plaza and garden, that will become a gathering space for Catholics as well as the Omaha community. These new elements will also celebrate the pillars of our faith community, our Archdiocese, and our Parish.
Your gifts to our $8.2 million capital campaign will help “complete” construction and enhancements to our west main entrance and have a lasting impression for many future generations.
We ask you to prayerfully consider a pledge TODAY to enable this construction!

CATHEDRAL PLAZA: Based on Kimball’s renderings, we have designed a new and respectful outdoor gathering space for services, reflections, and performances.
CATHEDRAL GARDEN: The existing parking lot directly west and across 40th Street will be landscaped to include educational reflective spaces recognizing the legacy of the Archdiocese.
EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE: The exterior of the Cathedral is in need of maintenance to the stonework and concrete for the safety of our visitors.
40th STREET IMPROVEMENTS: Traffic calming elements will also be installed along 40th Street to improve pedestrian safety.
View the Project Video
The Plaza & Garden will honor and celebrate the pillars of our faith community, our Archdiocese, and our parish, and present a welcoming and inviting entrance to the Cathedral, the Mother Church of the Archdiocese of Omaha.
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Take a New Perspective
The Plaza and Garden project is something special that will leave a permanent legacy here. Helping us fund the project will be a one-time giving commitment that will impact future generations of your family, your neighbors, your faith community, the greater Omaha community, and the Archdiocese.
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