Respect Life
“In our present social context, marked by a dramatic struggle between the ‘culture of life’ and the ‘culture of death’, there is need to develop a deep critical sense, capable of discerning true values and authentic needs.
What is urgently called for is a general mobilization of consciences and a united ethical effort to activate a great campaign in support of life. All together, we must build a new culture of life.”
Pope Saint John Paul II, Evangelium vitae (1995)

How Can I Participate in Pro-Life Efforts?
Pray and fast: This is primarily a spiritual battle. Pray for healing of our nation and for all those suffering from past abortions. Pray for conversion of hearts that more people will see the value of every human life. Prayer is vital to this ministry. Pray at home; pray before the Blessed Sacrament; attend Mass more frequently.
Support and/or volunteer at a pregnancy counseling center: These centers support women and couples both before and after the birth of their children: Essential Pregnancy Services and Catholic Charities’ Mentoring Moms program. Mater Filius and Bethlehem House are homes for pregnant, homeless women.
Support organizations dedicated to post-abortion healing: Project Rachel and Rachels Vineyard
Support pro-life legal organizations that defend life, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech: Doctors, nurses, and pharmacists' conscience rights are being denied; discriminatory state and city laws are being written that target pregnancy counseling centers and sidewalk counselors; colleges routinely deny freedom of speech to pro-life students and organizations; government agencies sometimes require Catholic institutions to participate in practices contrary to Church teaching. The Thomas More Society, Life Legal Defense Foundation, Becket, and Alliance Defending Freedom are organizations that offer pro-bono legal help to defend those unjustly accused and to fight unjust laws.
Pray outside an abortion clinic: You don't have to be a sidewalk counselor. Simply pray for the women, unborn babies, and couples entering the clinic, and for the workers at the clinic. Planned Parenthood is just north of 93rd and Maple, and the Bellevue Abortion and Contraception Clinic is at the intersection of W. Mission Ave. and Bert Murphy Blvd.
Archdiocese of Omaha Resource List
For Pregnant Mothers
For Women Experiencing Domestic Violence
Affordable Housing
Rent and Utilities
Pregnancy Care:
- Abortion Pill Reversal
- Mobile Ultrasound Unit - Nebraskans Embracing Life
- Perinatal Hospice
- Pope Paul VI Institute
- Sancta Familia
Hope and Healing:
Safety and Support:
Local Events
Life Chain October prayerful protest against abortion where participants hold signs which read “Abortion Kills Children” along 72nd and Dodge Streets.
Vigil for Life Mass celebrated by the Archbishop, followed by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and a living rosary walk to the abortion clinic in Bellevue.
March for Life January pro-life organizations and advocates gathering in Washington D.C. to make a public witness for life near the anniversary of Roe v. Wade.
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday January observance on the Sunday closest to the anniversary of Roe v. Wade as a time for believers to grieve the tragedy of abortion.
September 7: Nebraska Family Alliance GALA with Dr Ben Carson
September 9: 11:00 am, National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children, St Mary's Cemetery in Omaha
September 15: Heart of a Child Ministries Fundraising Event with Laura Buddenberg, Corey Osborn, 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm, YOU ARE INVITED! to our expanding mission presenting our 4S Model in the classroom. Carney Party Barn, 8322 Pawnee Rd in Omaha.
September 16:
September 23: Archbishops pro-life rosary procession in Bellevue, St Mary's Church, 2130 Crawford St, to abortion mill, reception following. Begins with 8:00 am Holy Mass, followed by procession and reception.
September 23-November 5: 40 Days for Life, sign up for yourself and partner, or a full day for your church! Over 22,000 lives saved by prayer at abortion locations across the US
October 1:,
October 6-7: Nebraska Catholic Conference Bishops Pro-Life Banquet
October 8: Abortion Dialogue Academy "Changing Our Pro-Choice Culture (in 7 minutes!) presentation for all at St Gerald Church in Omaha, 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm, please register
October 14: Save the Date! Medical Conference event in Omaha with Sr Deirdre Byrne, Dr Paul Byrne, Hugh Owen, more
October 18: Thomas More Society Banquet with Mark Houck Our client and Pro-Life Hero!
November 11: Abortion Dialogue Academy Fundraiser Breakfast, St Robert's Mainelli Center, 11 am - Noon
Local Pro-Life Prayer Times
Gabriel’s Corner – 131 S 16th St, Council Bluffs, Iowa
There is the rosary at 8:30 am and Mass at 9:00 am on the third and last Saturdays of every month on a regular basis, unless the priest cannot make it for some reason, then there is just a Rosary. It is done in the Chapel at Gabriel’s Corner and everyone is welcome to come pray with them against abortion.
Abortion Tuesday at Planned Parenthood – 5631 S 48th St, Lincoln
Tuesdays in front of Planned Parenthood
9:30 am – Group Rosary on sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood
10:00 am – Mass across the street at the Lincoln Right to Life Center
1:00 pm – Group Rosary on sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood
Right to Life maintains a peaceful and prayerful presence each Abortion Tuesday from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Contact Mike Davis, president of Lincoln Right to Life: 402-480-0404.
Omaha and Bellevue
In Omaha, they’ll be praying in front of Planned Parenthood, 3105 N 93rd St., just a block north of Maple on 93rd, on Mondays from 8:00 am to Noon, & Saturdays from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. In Bellevue, in front of the Bellevue abortion facility, 1002 W. Mission Ave., on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Sidewalk Advocates for Life
Times are based on arrival for abortion appointments. Bellevue abortion facility, 1002 W. Mission Ave on Thursdays 9:30 am to 10:45 am and 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm; Fridays 7:30 am to 8:45 am; and Saturdays 7:30 am to 8:45 am. To receive the 4 hour training class, send request to Michelle at More info at