Message from Fr. Grewe, Pastor
I present to you our Annual Report for the past fiscal year 2018-2019. From the pictures and text enclosed you will see that this has been a year of much activity. It is wonderful to see our campus so alive! We’ve gotten to the point that it’s difficult to find a meeting place and time for our various groups. Actually, it is a good problem to have! I am very grateful to everyone who leads and is involved in these various activities. The whole point of them is to help us grow closer and closer to our Lord Jesus Christ. That’s the role of a parish, and that’s the reason why we exist.
So please read this report with a great deal of hope. The church is very alive and well here at Saint Cecilia Cathedral. For those who are open to the Holy Spirit, you will encounter Jesus here. My hope and prayer is that we will continue to deepen our relationship with Him this coming year. We are all on a pilgrimage to the Kingdom of God, and I am grateful that we are on this journey together.
What I hope for the year ahead is that we can share the ’story’ of Saint Cecilia Cathedral with more people. We have so many good things going on here that we need to get the word out! So tell your friends about our parish. Invite your neighbors to worship with us. The Lord is present here in a wonderful way and our goal is to bring more people to Him.
God Bless You Always, Fr. Michael Grewe