The Original Cathedral Donors
High altar: Children of Mr. Charles W. Hamilton
Altar railing: Mr. and Mrs. Willard D. Hosford
Pulpit: Mr. and Mrs. Willard D. Hosford
Bishop's throne: Mrs. Ben Gallagher
Our Lady of Grace statue: Mrs. Edward P. Meyers
Stations of the Cross: Mr. and Mrs. Willard D. Hosford
Marble for the pillars: Thomas G. and Marguerite Barbeau and the Cathedral builders
Organ: Burkley family in memory of the late Francis J. Burkley
Bells: Edward C. Epsen in memory of his late son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. (Helen) Epsen
Bronze doors: Hayden family
Saint Jude statue: Francis and Vera Hetherington family
Christ the King shrine: Mr. and Mrs. Willard D. Hosford
Nash memorial chapel: Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Nash
Our Lady of Nebraska chapel (much of the construction cost): Mrs. Thomas Flynn
Altar in Our Lady of Nebraska statue: children of the Archdiocese
Windows in Our Lady of Nebraska chapel: Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Gallagher in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gallagher
Clerestory windows:
Magnificat: Mr. and Mrs. Willard D. Hosford
Gloria in Excelsis Deo: Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Epsen
Stabat Mater: Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Meyers
Victimae Paschali: the Cathedral builders
Veni Santi Spiritus: Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Melia
Pange Lingua Gloriosi: Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Matthews
Dies Irae: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Ryan
Te Deum Laudamus: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gallagher
Ambulatory windows:
Saint Madeline Sophie Barat: in memory of Virginia Keenan Melia
Saint Ignatius Loyola: in memory of parents Michael and Magdaline Kalamaja, and Emmet and Emma McCreary
Rose Window, Center Window and three semi-circular windows in the west entrance: Mrs. J.M. Harding and Mrs. Lawrence Brinker, in memory of their father, Francis J. Burkley
Sacristy windows: assistant priests of the Cathedral