Sacramental Participation
Become a Mass Minister
How do YOU encounter Jesus at Saint Cecilia? How do YOU represent Jesus at Saint Cecilia? What makes Saint Cecilia a parish that involves all parishioners and visitors in the mission of Jesus? Because of our baptism we are participants in the mission entrusted to Jesus by God the Father. As a “priestly people” joined to Christ, we offer a continual sacrifice of thanks and praise to the Father for the redemption of the world. As a “prophetic people” we speak and witness to the Word of God. As a “kingly people” we call forth and order the gifts of our parish community in the service of others. Consider how YOU fit in and participate in the life of our parish in these ways!
Current Ministry ScheduleExtraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Sheila Graham / 402-551-2313
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve at the discretion of the pastor, following training conducted by the Archdiocese of Omaha and attending a special Mass at Saint Cecilia Cathedral where the Pastor mandates the EMHCs. Saint Cecilia's adults and high school juniors and older may become EMHCs. They serve at daily and weekend Masses following a schedule provided each month. EMHCs also visit hospitals, nursing homes, and the homebound with the Eucharist which permits those to whom they minister to be an integral part of the Sunday Liturgy.
Sheila Graham / 402-551-2313
Lectors are parishioners who assist in the Liturgy of the Word at daily and weekend Masses. Participation in a class conducted by the Archdiocese of Omaha and attending a special Mass at the Cathedral where the Pastor mandates the lectors is required.
Dr. Marie Rubis-Bauer / 402-553-5524 ext 2
The Cathedral Music Ministry engages in the formation for lifelong praise of God of parish adults, youth, and children through weekly rehearsals and liturgical service. Opportunities include the Cathedral Choir and Parish Cantors. The Saint Cecilia Institute also offers individual instruction in piano, organ and voice.
Sheila Graham / 402-551-2313
Sacristans prepare the bread, wine and vessels for Mass so that the community may share the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharistic celebration. One parishioner is assigned to each Mass. Before Mass the items are set out and after Mass all the vessels and books are returned to the Sacristy. The sacristan must see to it that everything is ready for the next Eucharistic celebration. Weekday Masses and weekend Masses require a sacristan. Consider joining this vital ministry.
Altar Servers
Sheila Graham / 402-551-2313
Altar servers represent the congregation at the altar, prepare the altar for Mass, and assist the priest and deacon in the central act of Catholic worship. Their attention to the order of the Mass and their movements and posture during Mass draw the assembly into active participation with the praise and thanksgiving of God. This ministry is open to Saint Cecilia parish junior high and high school students beginning in 6th grade.
Sheila Graham / 402-551-2313
These men and women assist our priests and parishioners at weekend and Holy Day Masses by greeting people and helping them find seats, collecting the offertory, bringing up the gifts at Mass occasionally, and guiding people to receive Holy Communion. They also assist anyone who may become ill or need medical attention. If you would like to help create a welcoming atmosphere to all who attend Saint Cecilia Cathedral by donating just over an hour of your time per week, please consider this ministry.
Sheila Graham / 402-551-2313
Greeters provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere, especially for all of our first-time guests and members alike. As a parishioner's or guest's first contact on arriving for Mass, greeters play a key role in the unfolding of the liturgical action of the Eucharist. Our goal is to make every person who comes through the doors of Saint Cecilia Cathedral feel like a part of our parish family by welcoming and supporting them in a positive, friendly, and spiritual manner. What a wonderful way to engage yourself and your family at Mass!
Gift Bearers
Sheila Graham / 402-551-2313
We are happy to have parishioners join the ministry of gift bearers for our weekend Masses. This is an opportunity for families, couples, friends, groups to participate in the Mass.